
Monday, August 19, 2019

Sophocles Antigone, Aeschylus Prometheus Bound, Jean Anouilhs Antigone and Ridley Scotts Blad :: Prometheus Bound Antigone Blade Runner

Sophocles' Antigone, Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, Jean Anouilh's Antigone and Ridley Scott's Blade Runner The representative population of a community is not comfortable when confronted by an individual who defies the laws that bind them. Whether or not the laws or the powers behind them are just, the populace must deal with any challenge to their authority. In some cases, the community, fearful of a powerful regime, will side with that power and avoid the risks associated with rebellion. Others find the tyranny too unjust to stand idly by and, risking their lives, join with other defiant individuals against it. The group of characters named as Chorus in both Sophocles' Antigone and Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound witness the rebellion of the titular characters against their respective authorities. In both plays, the Choruses (heretofore distinguished as Chorus A for Antigone and Chorus P for Prometheus Bound) recognize the ruling powers as both dangerous and tyrannical and are sympathetic to the plights of Antigone and Prometheus. However, the similarities between the two groups end at this point. While the actions of Chorus A are understandable given that their maturity has made them keenly aware of their own mortality, they appear mundane and self-serving in comparison to the noble selflessness of the youthful Chorus P. Chorus A are introduced as "the old citizens of Thebes" (p65). The effect of age upon their demeanor is immediately evident in their description of the defeat of Polynices and his armies. The elders are certainly triumphant, calling out: "Glory! ...great beam of the sun, brightest of all that ever rose against the seven gates of Thebes, you burn through the night at last!" (117-19). In these lines there is also a shade of relief. Born of freedom from the fear of their enemy's ...vast maw gaping closing down around our seven gates, his spears thirsting for the kill..." (132-34). These men are not the brave Theban warriors who fought with Eteocles. They are the elder citizens who cowered through the night of war hoping for, and receiving, "Victory! Glorious in the morning..." (164). They are cautious enough to stay out of the physical battle and they display the same self-interest when involved in the coming political confrontation between Antigone and Creon.

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